Wednesday, June 1, 2016

C# 6.0 New Features

Using Static Statement
We all know that you can import a namespace with using.  This gives us the ability to use a type with just the type’s name in our code. 
using System;

public class Driver
    public static void Main()
         // without importing a namespace, we'd have to fully qualify the type
        // Console as System.Console
       //System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

        Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

In C#6.0, import the static members of a class into our namespace , making them available without qualification in subsequent code:
using static System.Console;
public class Driver
    public static void Main()
        // Now, the System.Console static class is imported, so we
        // can use WriteLine directly
        WriteLine("Hello, World!");
void Main()
    MyStaticClass.Print("this string");      //Print is a static member in MyStaticClass
    // or...
    Print("this string");
Importing static types and accessing extension methods of them like the code above will give you an error. The following code will generate the "The name 'IsPolygon' does not exist in the current context".
Non-extension static methods are invoked as though they are methods on the current type, whereas extension methods are invoked only as though they are methods on a variable.
Read only Property and initialization
Public string Name {get;} = “XXXXX”;       or            public string Name => “XXXX”;
Expression-Bodied Get-Only Properties
Now, if you have a property that is get-only, you can write the body of the property using the expression syntax.  That is, you can use the lambda-expression syntax to write the body of the property. 
That is, instead of writing the { get { return your expression; } } syntax, we can simply write => your expression;
For example, if we convert our get-only properties above, we can get:
   1: public class Rectangle
   2: {
   3:     public int Length { get; set; }
   4:     public int Width { get; set; }
   6:     // much more concise! Read Only properties
   7:     public int Area => Length * Width;
   8:     public int Perimeter => 2 * (Length + Width);
  10:     public override string ToString()
  11:     {
  12:         return $"Rectange: Length={Length}, Width={Width}";
  13:     }
  14: }
It does not create a delegate, it is simply borrowing the lambda expression syntax to simplify writing simple bodies that result in an expression.
After lambda express we always have single statement.
Expression-bodied function members can work for both methods and properties. If you have a method with one statement, and that statement can be represented as an expression:
public string GetFullName() {
  return FirstName + " " + LastName;
Or a getter-only properties/indexers with a body that can be represented as an expression:
public string FormalName {
  get { return FirstName[0] + ". " + LastName; }
Public object TestObj {get {return obj;}}                //Read only property
You can collapse those down into something that looks like a cross between a member declaration and a lambda expression:
public string GetFullName() => FirstName + " " + LastName;
public string FormalName => FirstName[0] + ". " + LastName;
public object TestObj => obj;      //Read only property in C#6.0
Null Propagation Operator
In earlier versions of the C# language, we always had to write an if condition for a null check before using an object or its property. Now C# 6.0 has introduced the Null-Propagation Operator (?.) that enables developers to check for the null value within an object reference chain. The null-propagation operator (?.) will return null if anything in the object reference chain is null.

Example 1
In earlier versions of the C# language, you always had to check for nulls explicitly before using an object or its property, as shown below:
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if (Employee.Name == null
    Console.WriteLine("No Employee name provided"); 
The same can be converted into a one-liner using the Conditional Access Operator in C# 6.
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Console.WriteLine(Employee?.Name ?? "No Employee name provided");
Example 2
Suppose we have a class called Student that has another property studentdetails of type Details class. Now we can have the following code snippet to print theAddress .
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if (student != null && student.studentdetails != null
    Console.WriteLine("No Address"); 
As we can see, to avoid the null-reference exception, we have checked the null for student andstudent.studentdetails since they can have a null reference as object. So, the preceding code snippet can be re-written using the null propagation operator (?.) as follows:
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Console.WriteLine(student?.studentdetails?.Address ?? "No Address");
Both code snippets will provide us the address of the student.

What I think is, it's a really nice feature because instead of checking each and individual objects, using the nullpropagation operator (?.) we can check the entire chain of references together and whenever there is a nullvalue in the entire chain of reference, it will return null.

nameof Operator
nameof operator allows you to retrieve the name of a variable, type or member.
Use the nameof operator to avoid the use of hard-coded strings in our code.
This operator will help us get rid of “magic strings” in our code. We all know following use case:
public void Method(int arg)
    if (arg < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("arg");
With nameof operator we can rewrite code in a nicer way:
public void Method(int arg)
    if (arg < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(arg));
That is! nameof just returns a string representation of variable\method\type\propery\field.

String Interpolation
This feature inserts values into a string with simple syntax. It is similar to string.Format, but variables may be accessed directly
            string name = "Valentino";
            int age = 7;

            var data1 = string.Format("name:{0}, age:{1}", name, age);
            Console.WriteLine("classic string format - {0}", data1);

            var data2 = $"name:{name}, age:{age}";
            Console.WriteLine("string interpolation  - {0}", data2);

Exception Filters
It allows us to specify conditions along with a catch block. The catch block is only executed if the condition satisfies. 
public void Main()
      throw new Exception("E2");
  catch(Exception ex) when(ex.Message == "E1")
    Console.WriteLine("caught E1");
  catch(Exception ex) when(ex.Message == "E2")
    Console.WriteLine("caught E2");

Setting default values to Auto Properties
Now we can assign default value to the properties without writing a second line.  Just place an “=” equal sign at the end and write the default value to it.
Earlier we used to have to do this by setting the default value in the constructor
public string FirstName { get; set; } = "Default Value";

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